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Adventures of a Suburban Kitty

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Adventures of a Suburban Kitty: July 2010

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Thankless Thursday

Don't get me wrong. You all know how much I adore my human mom, but boy has she made me mad. I didn't get computer time for over a week! No blogging, no visiting my furriends blogs, no Twitter (until last night), no Facebook, nothing.

Mom blamed it on work. They've been so busy at work for the last month, that Mom wanted a vacation from the computer cause she works on one all day. Well that's fine for her, but what about me! How dare she not give me any computer time. I'm always supposed to come first. What's the point of being a cat if I don't get top priority around here?

I got a really cool new toy this week. Mom got me a couple of kitty-boinks. If she thinks that's gonna get me to forgive her, she's got another think coming. Bribery does not work. But the boinks are really fun. And if Mom didn't work, there'd be no green papers to buy my food and toys. Hmmm. I may have to re-think this not forgiving her thing. No! I must stand strong. This time I don't let her off the hook. But the toy's really cool. But, but, but. Man, I'm a softie. I guess I'll forgive her. This time.

Friday, July 16, 2010

More details on Dogtime's Pet Blog Award

This is what happens when I blog after midnight. I don't get my details right.

Right now they're doing nominations. The blogs that get the most nominations go on to the finals. Nominations close July 30.  I would like all my furriends to nominate me for Best Cat Blog.

Also, my furriend Pip over at Pip Gets Back in the Game is running for best dog blog, so nominate him too, please.

We'd appreciate all the help we can get. It would be so much fun to get an award at BlogPaws West 2010.

Edit: More info. There is a space for the nominees email, but it is not required. My email is

I'm going to BlogPaws 2010 badge

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Vote for Me!

I just found out about Dogtime's Pet Blog Award being given out at BlogPaws West 2010 (which Mom and I are going to). I'm going for the Best Cat Blog award. Please vote for me!

I'm working on a badge to add to my blog. Right now there's just a lot of text there and a link to the voting page. I hope to have an actual badge ready by Monday.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What a lot of blogs

Mom's been very busy with work the last couple of weeks, so I haven't hardly had any computer time at all. I finally got to catch up on blogs tonight, and I thought I was never gonna get them all read. There must have been 60 new entries to read, and that's just since Monday night!

I follow 89 blogs right now, and I'm always finding new interesting anipals to add. I wish I could comment on all the blogs cause the comments are as much fun as the blogs, but with that many to read (even if they don't all post everyday), it's hard to find the time to read them all, much less comment on them all. I should probably read fewer blogs so I could have more time for comments, but who would I drop? I love reading every one of them!

So forgive me if I read and run, especially for the next couple of weeks. I'll try to do better when Mom's work slows down and I have more computer time.

Lots of love to all my pals! See you Friday night at #Nipclub and Saturday at #aaac and #pawpawty. Can't wait to show off the new dress Tutti picked out for me. Or should that be dresses? Maybe I'll wear a different dress Friday than Saturday. Hmmmm.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Fred's First Adventure

Mom took me and my new duck, Fred, to a new park last week. This was Fred's first adventure since he came to live with me. Fred looks a lot like @GeorgeTheDuck, and George thinks Fred could be one of his cousins. They look so alike that George must be right. Anyway, back to the adventure.

This park was very beautiful with lots of trees and lakes and a stream and lots of new things for me to see.

I saw lots of of ducks swimming in the creek and in the lake. I wonder if George and Fred are related to these ducks, too.

We also saw lots of geese. Some of them even had their own island.

Now for the new stuff. I saw a woodpecker, a dragonfly, and a whole island of cormorants! I don't know which was more amazing - seeing so many cormorants all in one place, or how beautiful the dragonfly was.


We also saw lots of pretty flowers and other interesting stuff. There's more pictures here: Prospect Park-Tabor Lake

There's lots of other cool stuff at this park. There are playgrounds and ball fields, picnic shelters and people litter boxes, and anything else you might want for a day in the park. Fred and I really had a good time. I hope Mom takes us back there soon. We can't wait to see another dragongfly!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July

I want to wish all my wonderful furriends a Happy 4th of July, no matter where in the world you live. We all value what the 4th stands for - freedom and justice. My friends over at Meezer Tails had the best post I've seen today and I think everyone should go visit them and read it. I hope my Meezer buddies don't mind my doing this.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

And these make 20

Us3Coons (Lynx217) threw my own questions back at me, so I guess I'll answer them. I reminded them they were supposed to come up with their own questions, so they sent me 5 more in an email. So I'm gonna answer those, too. By the time I'm done I'll have answered 20 questions, so please, don't ask me to answer any more questions. Thank you.

My questions
1. Do you get along with your sisfurs and/or brofurs?
I don't have any that live me. I have a brofur that lives with Mom's friend, but I don't remember him very well. I would hope we got along before we were adopted.
2. What's best about the city where you live?
It's never boring. The weather changes all the time. The seasons change, so it's different every time I look out the window. And there's so much to see and do, although since I don't like the car, Mom does most of it without me. But she always tells me about her adventures when she gets home.
3. What's your favorite color?
Purple. I wish my stroller had come in purple, but I guess blue is ok, too.
2. Who's your favorite human that's not in your family and why?
I only like Mom. I hide when other people come to the house. I'll tolerate her aunt for a little while. I don't know why I won't meet Mom's friends.
5. What are your bestest games to play?
Either fetch or door hockey. If you don't know what door hockey is, when Mom's in the bathroom I slide a toy under the bathroom door and she slides it back out to me and I have to catch it. Sometimes she manages to get it to slide right past me.

Their new questions
1. What's the craziest thing you've ever done?
I was playing with the blinds and pulled them down on my head.
2. What's the one thing your hoomin does that annoys you the most?
Every day when she comes home she scoops me up like I'm a tiny kitten and has to kiss me all over my head. (I don't try too hard to get away.)
3. What's the biggest prey you ever caught?
I don't get to hunt outside, so I only get to catch bugs that come in the house. I caught a big fat moth one time.
4. Where's your favorite place to rest or hide?
My favorite place to rest is on one of my fleece beds. My favorite place to hide is up inside the recliner.
5. Little sticky people or overaffectionate grown-up hoomin - which is worse?
I've never seen a little sticky person. But I don't think I'd like sticky on my fur, so I'd say that would be worse.